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What’s the Difference Between Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids?

There are 118 different elements on the periodic table, and each one is unique depending on its chemical properties. Elements are categorized into three main groups: metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Let’s discuss each classification, their properties, and some real-world examples. 

What Is a Metal?

Metals are periodic elements characterized by similar traits and molecular structures. They are typically hard, shiny materials with good thermal and electrical conductivity. Metals are also known for their unique malleable, ductile, and reflective properties that make them suitable for construction, manufacturing, and medical applications. 

There are over 90 types of metal on the periodic table, which are classified differently depending on physical or chemical properties. In industrial applications, iron content is used to classify workpiece metals into three categories:

  • Ferrous (contains iron)

  • Nonferrous (contains no iron)

  • Alloys (contains multiple metals and other elements)

Properties of Metals

A metal’s unique properties differentiate it from other elements. Below are some notable properties of metals:

  • Heat resistance:

    Metals have high melting and boiling points, allowing them to remain solid in high temperatures. 

  • Conductivity:

    Metals are known for their ability to conduct electricity and heat due to free electrons that move freely throughout the metal and carry electrical and thermal current.

  • Malleability and ductility:

    Metals are malleable and ductile, allowing them to be pounded, rolled into different shapes, or drawn into wire without breaking.

  • Luster:

    Most metals have a shiny or metallic appearance known as luster, which reflects light. 

  • Density:

    Metals are dense, solid materials that weigh more than nonmetals.

  • Physical forms:

    Most metals are naturally solid at room temperature, except for mercury, which is liquid at room temperature. 

  • Form alloys:

    Metals can be mixed with other elements to form alloys, which are materials with improved properties (such as increased strength or corrosion resistance).

  • Ionization:

    Metals are prone to losing electrons and forming positive ions. This is because the outermost electrons in a metal’s atoms are not strongly attracted to the positively charged nucleus and can be easily removed.

Examples of Metals

Here are the three most common examples of industrial metals and their alloys:


Iron is the most abundant metal on earth by volume, making up approximately 5% of the earth’s crust. Similarly, 90% of all manufactured metals are iron-based, including steel. Pure iron is widely used in cookware, heat-producing appliances (like stoves), and heavy machinery. High melting points and strong rigidity provide stability and safety in high-temperature environments. The two primary types of iron alloys are wrought iron and cast iron. 


Steel is a ferrous metal used for projects of all sizes, ranging from skyscrapers to surgical instruments. It’s relatively low-cost to manufacture, which makes it ideal for mass production. The three primary steel alloys are carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel. 


Copper is a nonferrous metal used in industrial manufacturing for over 6,000 years. It is a high electrical and thermal conductor in addition to being corrosion-resistant. Copper is used in electronics, piping, and telecommunications around the world. Its noncorrosive properties make it long-lasting and low-maintenance. The two primary types of copper alloys are brass and bronze. 

What Is a Nonmetal?

As the name suggests, nonmetals are elements characterized by their lack of metallic properties. They are often brittle and poor conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetals are natural elements used in pure form and in the form of compounds when combined with other elements. 

There are 20 nonmetals on the periodic table, which are categorized into three subgroups:

  • Nonmetals:

    Elements that are most commonly thought of as nonmetals. They include elements such as sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and carbon.

  • Halogens:

    Elements with properties of both metals and nonmetals. They include elements such as silicon, boron, and arsenic.

  • Noble gasses:

    Elements that are highly stable and unreactive such as helium, neon, and argon. Noble gasses are often considered a separate group from nonmetals, although they are technically nonmetals.

Properties of Nonmetals

Below are some notable properties of nonmetals:

  • Heat resistance:

    Nonmetals have low melting and boiling points and require relatively little heat to convert from a solid to a liquid or a gas.

  • Conductivity:

    Nonmetals are poor conductors of electricity and heat.

  • Hardness:

    Nonmetals tend to be brittle and break or shatter easily when stressed.

  • Luster:

    Nonmetals are generally non-reflective, dull, and lack a shiny or metallic surface.

  • Density:

    Nonmetals are generally less dense than metals.

  • Physical forms:

    Nonmetals exist in solid, liquid, or gas forms at room temperature.

  • Ionization:

    Nonmetals tend to gain electrons and create negative ions or anions. 

Examples of Nonmetals

Here are some common examples of nonmetals and their applications:

  • Carbon:

    Carbon is an essential component of steel and other alloys and is also used to make a variety of polymers such as plastics, resins, and rubber.

  • Chlorine:

    Chlorine is used to purify water and make a variety of chemicals such as bleach, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.

  • Fluorine:

    Fluorine is used to make a variety of chemicals such as refrigerants, solvents, and pharmaceuticals. It is also added to water supplies to help prevent tooth decay.

  • Hydrogen:

    Hydrogen is a fuel source in addition to creating a variety of chemicals such as ammonia and methanol.

  • Nitrogen:

    Nitrogen is used to create fertilizers and a variety of chemicals such as explosives and dyes.

  • Oxygen:

    Oxygen is necessary for life and is also used in various industrial processes such as welding and metal cutting.

  • Phosphorus:

    Phosphorus is an essential element for life and is used to make a variety of chemicals such as detergents, insecticides, and flame retardants.

  • Sulfur:

    Sulfur is used to create fertilizers and sulfuric acid — a crucial part of many industrial processes.

What Is a Metalloid?

Metalloids are the middle ground between metals and nonmetals, exhibiting qualities of both groups of elements. They are more thermally or electrically conductive than nonmetals, but not as much as metals. Metalloids are metallic in appearance but are brittle and extremely fragile despite being solid at room temperature. 

Properties of Metalloids

Metalloids share many similar properties with metals and nonmetals. Their properties are an intermediary mix between the two, determined by an individual metalloid’s physical and chemical traits. For example, a metalloid can look like a metal physically but behave like a nonmetal chemically. Metalloids are valuable elements often used to create popular alloys and chemical compounds. 

  • Heat resistance:

    Metalloids have intermediate melting and boiling points and require more heat than nonmetals but less heat than metals to convert from a solid to a liquid or a gas. 

  • Conductivity:

    Metalloids are conductors of electricity and heat but are not as conductive as metals.

  • Hardness:

    Metalloids tend to be brittle and break or shatter like nonmetals. 

  • Luster:

    Metalloids are generally reflective and shiny like metals.

  • Density:

    Metalloids are generally less dense than metals but denser than nonmetals. 

  • Physical forms:

    Most metalloids are solid at room temperature but are converted to a liquid or gas when heated. 

  • Ionization:

    Metalloids have intermediate ionization energies and electronegativity values.

Examples of Metalloids

Below are seven commonly recognized metalloids used to create various alloys and chemical compounds. Metalloids are found in everything from food and dietary supplements to industrial metals and semiconductors. 

  • Boron

  • Silicon

  • Germanium

  • Arsenic

  • Antimony

  • Tellurium

  • Polonium

Understanding the Difference Between Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids

Metals are the largest group of elements on the periodic table, setting the standard for comparison across the three groups. Nonmetal and metalloid properties are based on where they stack up against metals. Let’s take a look at the differences between metals, nonmetals, and metalloids based on the following physical properties:


  • Metals:

    Most metals have a shiny metallic luster and reflective surface.

  • Nonmetals:

    Nonmetals are generally dull or nonreflective and do not have a metallic luster.

  • Metalloids:

    Metalloids can have a metallic or nonmetallic appearance, depending on the element.


  • Metals:

    Most metals are malleable and can be pounded or rolled into different shapes without breaking. The atoms in a metal are arranged in a regular, repeating pattern that allows them to slide past one another easily.

  • Nonmetals:

    Nonmetals are generally not very malleable and will break when pounded or rolled. The atoms in a nonmetal are not arranged in a regular pattern and do not slide past one another easily.

  • Metalloids:

    Some metalloids are malleable, while others are not. For example, silicon is a metalloid that is not very malleable, while boron is a metalloid that is quite malleable.


  • Metals:

    Metals are highly ductile and can be drawn into wire without breaking.

  • Nonmetals:

    Nonmetals are not very ductile and cannot be drawn into wire without breaking.

  • Metalloids:

    Some metalloids are ductile, while others are not.

Metal, Nonmetal, and Metalloid Comparison Chart

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Metals are widely used elements on the earth.

Uses of metals in daily life include

  1. In Electric lightening

  2. In food and water

  3. Medicine

  4. Cooking

  5. Clothing

  6. Jewelry

  7. Furniture

  8. Electronics and communication

  9. Constructions

    (Buildings, bridges, Statues)

  10. Security systems

  11. Automobiles

  12. Industries

  13. Agriculture

  14. Drilling and digging

  15. Bullion market

Metal uses are many and this is due to their natural properties of rigidity, ductility, tensile strength, etc.

They have high atomic weights and numbers in the periodic table.

Their oxides are alkaline in nature, so they can resist acids.

Metals are very strong, durable, and highly resistant to natural wear and tear.

Hence they have been used widely by men since ancient ages.

In the past, these metals were profoundly used for Cooking, farming tools, weapons (bow, arrows, swords), and locomotive wagons.

But with growth in technology, the horizons of their use have widened enormously.

Currently, almost any object produced by the use of technology uses metals in one or another forms.

Modern man has also learned how to use the combination of metals, i.e., alloys, for his benefit.

So the use of metals in our daily life has become inevitable. Hence we can see that these are some of the highest-priced commodities in the market.

But which properties make these metals so useful?

There are a few desired properties like

  • High resistance to heat.
  • Ability to contract at low temperatures and expand at high temperatures, respectively. (thermocouple)
  • Good electrical conductivity.
  • Resistant to acids and other harsh chemicals
  • Highly inert to most substances and liquids.

Metal Uses in Daily life

1. In Electric Lighting

Since the discovery of the light bulb, metal tungsten has been widely used to generate light from electricity.

When the electricity passes through the metallic coiled wire, it generates light due to resistance.

Due to the advancement of technology, the man currently uses incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs, and other types. Yet, these bulbs use metals to generate light from electricity.

2. In food and water

Metals are available as micro-elements in our bodies. They are needed for the conduction of nerve impulses, carrying oxygen by blood, facilitating enzyme reactions, and more.

So metals are available as trace elements in our food and the water we drink.

3. In medicine

Uses of metals can be found in many ways in medicine.Sl.NoMetal namePotential Medicinal uses1.IronIs used in anemia to increase hemoglobin content2.LithiumIs used to treat mental disorders like mania.3.CalciumIs used to enhance bone strength, as an antacid.4.GoldIs used to prevent bone and joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis.5.AluminumAs an antacid.6.MagnesiumAs an antacid and for treatment of constipation7.PotassiumFor nerve, and heart functions and also for radiation hazards as iodide form.8.SodiumAs an electrolyte, antacid.9BismuthAs antidiarrheal medicine, antiulcer.10CopperAnemia, Alzheimer’s disease.

Because of the above-said role of metals in the body, metals are used in medicine to cure any micro-nutrient metal deficiency diseases in humans and animals.

Ex. Iron is a part of hemoglobin, a biomolecule.

Hence it is used as ferrous sulfate to cure some forms of anemia.

Similarly, any metals constitute micro-essentials called “trace elements” in the body. They are part of a few enzymes and co-enzymes or in the form of electrolytes.

They are present in very trace quantities in both plants and animals. Examples include Sodium (Na), potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Ni, Cu, Co, etc.

Besides, metals like titanium, aluminum, and magnesium are widely used in medicine for roles like antacids. They are especially studied in the subject of inorganic chemistry.

Also, many tools used in medicine like scalpels, scissors, needles, and surgical blades, are made of metals.

They are used widely due to their toughness and ability to be sterilized at high temperatures.

4. In Cooking

Utensils are best made from metals like steel, aluminum, and copper. Stoves, furnaces, Bowels, troughs, spoons, and knives used in the kitchen are made from metal.

They are so much preferred as they can withstand temperature and are also used for wet and dry purposes.

5. Clothing

In clothing, metals are used to a limited extent. As you might have noticed, there are in the form of buttons, zips, belts, fasteners, etc.

Further, metals like copper, gold, and silver have been used in the making of cloth. They impart luster, strength, and other properties to the cloth. Such clothes are quite expensive and durable.

6. Jewelry

Metals like Gold, silver, platinum, and copper are widely used in jewelry. These metals are symbolic of financial status and hence very expensive.

7. Furniture

Furniture is an essential commodity at home. We use them as tables, chairs, sofa sets, etc.

Though most home furniture is made of wood, even metal is involved. You can find metal cots, fans stand, cupboards, and drawers that are mostly made from metal.

8. In Electronics and communication.

Electronics are equipment that primarily relies on electricity to function.

We use many electronics in daily life like TV, mobiles, fridges, etc. These electronics use metals in them for different purposes like electric conduction, temperature regulation, etc.

But one of the key purposes is to facilitate quick electricity transfer. Since metals are good conductors of electricity, like copper, lead is widely used.

Perhaps without metals, electronics would not have progressed so much.

Thermostats are made of a thermocouple. This is a combination of two different metals. This thermostat is specifically used to regulate the temperature in the refrigerator, Air-conditioner, etc.

It helps to switch on and off automatically in refrigerators and air conditioners.

9. Construction

The importance of metals in construction is so huge. Metals like Iron and steel are widely used in building and home constructions to impart strength and durability.

Their ability to withstand heavy weights makes them preferred in construction. They are commonly used as reinforced concrete roofing, pillars, foundations, staircases, etc.

10. Security systems

Metals play an important role in security systems.

Metals are used in making locks, lockers, safes, and cupboards to store valuable items.

They are used to prevent theft or any misplacement.

11. Automobiles

All the automobiles like bikes, cars, buses, airplanes, trains, etc. are made of metals extensively.

Metals can withstand high temperatures and pressure during the work of these machines.

The commonly used metal are Iron, steel, aluminum, etc. for cranes, mills, and satellites. Machines and automobiles include road vehicles, railways, airplanes, rockets, etc.

Besides these, metals are the only sought materials to store and transport gasses under pressure.

Cylinders are tanks to store metals that are exclusively made of metal to store and also safely dispense the gas when needed.

12. Industry Machinery

Any industry is dependent on metals to a large extent. Starting from their construction to the process involved, metals play a huge role.

The heavy equipment, tools, calibration instruments, transport chains, and chimneys used in industry are all made of metals.

This is due to some of their properties like molding, hardness, durability, and ductility required for various industrial setups.

13. In Agriculture.

Farming requires many metal tools for tilling the soil, cutting, planting the seeds, etc. So most of the farming equipment is made of metals like Iron, steel, etc.

They can be used in both wet and dry conditions as required in agriculture.

14. Drilling and digging

If you wish to dig the ground for making a bore well or a tunnel through a hill, metals and equipment made of metals are the only choice.

This is true since the ages of man’s civilization. Hence, crowbars, shovels, and pick-axes are made of metals for digging manually.

Even for bore-well machines, the drill is made of pure metal.

15. Bullion market

Metals play a vital role in the economy. So there are many people who invest in metal stocks and bullion markets to make fortunes.

Since they are evergreen and always in demand, they have been considered some of the best and safe options for investors.

Even many countries’ economy depends on mineral exports of metals.

Similarly, mercury which is a liquid at room temperature is used in thermometers to record daily temperatures.

Its ability to contract and expand with a small variation in temperatures makes it preferable.

Due to so many common uses of metals, there is a separate division of science and technology as metallurgy to explore better metal combinations and also uses.

What’s the Difference Between Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids?

Their applications and Importance


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